Medical Findings about Scars On Lungs
United Arab Emirates treat every scar on Lungs as the TB scar and Ban that person for life having such scars but contrary to it Medical science findings is quite opposite to it as per the medical science every scar on lungs is not the Tb scar there may be the other reasons for fibrosis/scaring lungs which is narrated below.
“Fibrosis” is a term used to refer to scarring in Medical science, so pulmonary fibrosis means scarring throughout the lungs. Pulmonary fibrosis can be caused by many reasons which including chronic inflammatory processes (sarcoidosis, Wegener’s granulomatosis), infections, environmental agents (asbestos, silica, exposure to certain harmful gases), exposure to ionizing radiation (e.g. radiation therapy to treat tumors of the chest), chronic conditions (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis), and certain medications.
- Breathe in wood or metal dust at work or home
- Have acid reflux disease
- Smoke cigarett
- Smoke cigarett
- Have acid reflux disease